
"No Bull" launches in Huntsville, AL on April 21, 2013

(Material from this page are from a no-longer updated DART website at https://sites.google.com/site/durhamarearocketryteamofficial/)

Students from DART traveled to Huntsville, Alabama to fulfill the launch requirements for the Student Launch Initiative. This included an on-site launch readiness review which tested our knowledge of the rocket itself, followed by a "rocket fair" where we presented our project to teams from around the country. Launch Day finally came on April 21, 2013. Our launch was a resounding success on the borderline of catastrophe, and "No Bull's" final altitude was 5310 feet. This was only 0.5% away from our goal of 5280 feet, and we returned home with high hopes for the future.

"I believe I speak for the entire team when I say this experience has changed our lives," says Design and Construction lead, Andrew . 

2012-2013 DART with Full-scale (No Bull) and Sub-scale (No Bull Jr.) Rockets

From Left to Right: Caila, Evelyn, Sam, Dr. LaCosse, Andrew, Karia, Mr. Morey, Vivek, Hunter, and Logan

Added at Right: Mandie and Bo

From Left: Marielle, Caila, Vivek, James, Evelyn, Dr. LaCosse, Mandie, Logan, Karia, Mr. Morey, Sam, Hunter, Max (not present: Andrew) 

April 21, 2013 - Ready for Launch

From Left: Vivek, Karia, Hunter, Mandie, Andrew, Evelyn, Sam, Logan

After the PDR Presentation, November 8th, 2012

From Left: Bo, Logan, Andrew, Sam