
Outreach is incredibly important to NCSSM Rocketry. Yearly, we work with Astronomy Days at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences and attend the associated launch event.  We have also supported a faculty member and students in NCSSM's Distance Education program by encouraging the formation of TARC teams that would receive technical and other assistance from our program.

Rocketry is an extremely fun activity enjoyed by many all across the US. It’s very easy to get started. 

National Organizations

Consider joining one of the two organizations below. They offer student memberships and, by joining, you receive benefits relating to rockets. 

Tripoli Rocketry Association

National Association of Rocketry

Local Clubs

It is always more fun to launch rockets with a club. Not only are there more experience rocketeers who are always happy to help you, there are also plenty of rockets launching, so you can watch lots of rockets launch. Also, by joining a club, if you follow the safety code, you receive benefits such as liability coverage, and access to the organization’s forum. By joining the NAR, you also receive a bimonthly magazine, with technical articles, coupons, and lots of pictures.

Tripoli East North Carolina



Follow us on Social Media

For more updates on what we at NCSSM Rocketry are doing, feel free to visit our Instagram page (link in text above). We try post most launches, events, and even some practices!