BOTR is a three-part challenge, consisting of a "Mars Rover" challenge, a saucer rocket challenge, and an altitude challenge. DART is participating in the "Mars Rover" and altitude challenges. The rover challenge is to launch a rocket to at least 1000 feet and deploy a rover vehicle above 1000 feet. The rocket and rover must return safely to the ground. Then, within 10 minutes after landing, the rover must place a visible marker, travel 10 feet in one direction, place a second marker, turn 90 degrees, then drive 10 feet before terminating.

January 27, 2014: Astronomy Days Outreach
Photo Collage of Outreach Activity (Poster, Rocket, and Bottle Rockets Demonstrations)
Top Left: Myles explains the altimeter bay
Top Center: Andrew talks about No Bull and DART's goals for this year
Top Right: Vivek talks about the bottle rockets
Bottom Left: Andrew talking about the rocket
Bottom Left Center: DART's booth and No Bull
Bottom Right Center: Andrew explains the basic concepts of No Bull to a boy and his father
Bottom Right: Andrew, Vivek, and Myles man DART's booth
January 11, 2014: BOTR and TARC Construction in Mr. Morey's Garage
Photo Collage of Construction Session:
Top Left: BOTR's altimeter bay bulkheads
Top Right: Evelyn attaches rail guides to BOTR fin section
Middle Left: Evelyn tests fit of ADK on rover body
Middle Center: Vivek sands BOTR foam transition section
Middle Right: Kristian sands pieces for TARC motor adapters
Bottom Left: Evelyn cuts pieces for BOTR motor adapter
Bottom Center: Vivek prepares to finish BOTR foam transition
Bottom Right: Kristian aligns TARC motor adapters
January 9, 2014: BOTR and TARC Construction in NCSSM's GRL
Photo Collage of the Construction Meeting:
Top Left: BOTR's inner rover tube and other supply boxes
Top Right: Sam applies fillets to BOTR fins
Middle Left: Sam uses compass to examine TARC tube
Middle Center: BOTR fin fillets dry
Middle Right: Andrew, Karia, and Henry cut wires for BOTR under the guidence of Mr. Morey
Bottom Left: Evelyn orients the ADK on the structure of the rover
Bottom Center: Mandie works on TARC fins
Bottom Right: Issac and Mat build the MRM (Marker Release Mechanism)
First Look at the Assembled Rover:
Not flight-worthy yet, but getting closer every day
December 15, 2013: BOTR and TARC Construction in Mr. Morey's Garage
Mounting nuts for launch rod buttons, and the final, attached buttons
Pictured: (Sam and Vivek), (Evelyn and Vivek)
The fitted nosecone in the upper BOTR rocket body (left- credit to Hugh for the fitting), and cutting TARC fin slots (right)
Pictured: Sam, Logan, Mr. Morey and Andrew (left), Andrew and Sam (right)
Cutting the parachute cloth strips (BOTR and TARC)
Pictured: Evelyn (not pictured: Vivek)
Equipment for parachute cutting: vacuum converter (left), vacuum and board, chute strips, and x-acto knife (center)
Hugh Sanding the BOTR fins (right)
December 4, 2013: BOTR Teleconference Presentation
Presenter Team
Front: Matt, Karia, Evelyn; Back: Andrew, Vivek
(Not pictured: Rachel)